What ISN'T wrong with this picture?

Friday December 05, 2003 @ 08:51 AM (UTC)

Cuz really, I don’t see anything right about this.


Define what you mean by “wrong”. Are you saying the cops were wrong for arresting the woman? The woman was wrong for breastfeeding while driving and not stopping for the cops? The religious group they belong to is wrong for believing that wives should obey their husbands’ commands? Are you saying the actual picture itself is somehow wrong? Or all of the above?

Coincidentally, having a picture of a breastfeeding woman pop up on your screen just as your boss walks up is really not a great way to look like you’re working.

Well, I don’t know of any studies linking breastfeeding to poor driving, but I would hazard a guess that it sure doesn’t help. Combine it with talking on a cell phone (which has been shown to increase reaction time, about as much as driving drunk), and taking notes with the other hand, and I really can’t imagine how she’s steering effectively.

Plus, providing the lame excuse that her husband told her to do this, so it must be ok.

I’m surprised they didn’t do more than charge her with breaking child restraint laws.

We won’t even discuss driving three miles while cops are trying to pull you over.

I think you have to have some serious problems to risk dead baby splattered all over your dashboard because your husband told you to. I mean, if you happen to be looking at your notes as someone in front of you breaks hard, that kid will not survive the experience. Imagine how the guy in the car in front of you might feel.

Yeah, Matt pretty much covered it. I mean, think of it this way:

You’re talking on your cel phone and driving (grey area)
You’re talking on your cel phone and driving 65 mph (pretty definitely a bad idea).
You’re talking on your cel phone and WRITING something using the steering wheel as a hard surface and driving 65 mph (Nearing Darwin award proportions here)
You’re talking on your cel phone and WRITING something using the steering wheel as a hard surface and driving 65 mph and holding a baby while you’re doing it (Now you’re pathologically stupid, using both hands quite thoroughly, and endangering a child)

And then on top of that, you’re breast-feeding, which I understand is not an entirely passive activity, and incurs the risk of starting suddenly from infant bites (yes, they can apparently clamp pretty hard).

It just boggles my mind.

Not only will the kid probably die in that situation, you’ll also probably lose a nipple. That would <puntastic>suck</puntastic>.

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