Vacation, by the numbers

Friday June 02, 2006 @ 10:06 PM (UTC)

Number of days spent on a train: 3.5
Number of books finished: 5 (Beethoven’s Hair, Band of Brothers, Perma Red, Coraline, The Eyre Affair)
Scrabble games played: 6.5
Highest word score: 82 (STIFLED + 7 tile bonus, Grandma)
Total Scrabble score: 1883 to 1804, Grandma
Scrabble standings: 4 to 2.5, Felicity
Number of miles travelled by coach: 1507
Number of colds contracted: 1, Felicity
Number of states travelled through: 12 (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York)
Number of provinces travelled through: 2 (Quebec, Ontario)
Number of hotels stayed in: 7 (6 on tour, 1 at the Portland Airport)
Number of Canadian territories I had never heard of: 1 (Nunavut, I’m very ashamed.)
Edit: Number of pictures taken: over 550 (I’ve got 539 raw, of which I like 230 or so, and I deleted scads on the trip.)


And smacka cracka lacka! Happy birthday,! Gma told me about 182 point word. Wow. Did she gloat?

82! 82, not 182! :(

And she smiled a lot, but I reverse-gloated at her a lot, and she seemed to enjoy my exaggerated misery and downtroddenness :p

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