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Saturday February 27, 2010 @ 11:24 PM (UTC)

I’m absurdly tickled to discover that you can now pre-order Is Anybody Out There? from This is the anthology edited by Marty Halpern and Nick Gevers I mentioned in November, in which a story I co-wrote with Leslie What shall appear. “Rare Earth” is my first story in an anthology, my first work in a permanent book of any sort. Having it available from Powell’s, even just for pre-order, feels like an arrival.

Words I wrote…in a book! When it comes out in June, you know I’ll haunt the shelves at Powell’s downtown and take photos of it. Because that is how ridiculous I can be.


If I had contributed to a book which was for sale at Powell’s, that would be the start of my photography career.

I wouldn’t go so far in my case. Having a story in Asimov’s was a big, long-term dream, and I was lucky enough to get it right out of the gate. So my career, rather dizzyingly, started with my first acceptance. But since Powell’s hasn’t carried Asimov’s for some years, the Powell’s part of my dream has been deferred for a while :)

I just checked the fame-o-meter, and it looks like “book on shelves at Powells” is pretty high up there. Time to get out those markers?

Sadly, the Fame-o-meter runs on the spirit of the law, not the letter, and I know I meant novel when I wrote that :P

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