Mrrfl Pie

Sunday May 09, 2010 @ 01:11 PM (UTC)

Homemade pie for…some month…is Strawberry Chiffon Pie.

Homemade Pie of the Month for the month of Mrrfl.

This is made from frozen strawberries and lemonade, with a chocolate wafer crumb crust and fresh berry garnish. It comes from Ken Haedrich’s Pie: 300 Tried-And-True Recipes for Delicious Homemade Pie, which is the pie book to end all pie books. I say that without reading any other pie books, but I’m pretty comfortable putting it out there.


I heartily suggest you make some for Uncle Jim’s Fourth of July gathering. Your nephews and your first cousins once removed are all coming!!!

I thought I had to make apple pie for Fourth of July? As in “American as”.

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