I'm a real geek again

Friday November 12, 2004 @ 04:04 PM (UTC)

In my whirlwind round of doctors’ offices, trying to get myself all checked out, clean-dentifriced, dehistamined and corticosteroided before I am uninsured, I hit the optometrist’s office, something I hadn’t done since approximately my graduation from high school.

Now, the tale of my life as a four-eyes is a long, fairly boring one, but suffice it to say that I had bad eyes, but I was saved by heroical bifocals in time, and by the time I went to college I was down to mild reading glasses, which I promptly lost. It was college, okay? So it turns out that the last few years reading without the benefit of specs have NOT blighted my eyeballs as I feared, and, in fact, I needed new reading glasses (despite finding the old pair in a forgotten backpack pocket) because my eyes had gotten YET BETTER. So now my eyes shan’t get tired looking at monitors a long time, which will be jolly should I ever find my old friend gainful employ again.

So, without further ado, here I am, as of yesterday restored to full bespectacled geekiness (for the purposes of reading and computation):

Little slanty, but très chic


...but you don’t look like you with only eyes. Those would go very well with last weekend’s shopping outfit, and I am sure many other things as well. Though I suppose if you tried to wear reading glasses out and about you wouldn’t be able to see much at all.

I remember you in glasses! I wear them for distance, which means in class and driving- that is whenever I can find them…

Yup. I’m afraid I’d have to have ‘vanity glasses’ for such a thing! If I think, ‘oh, I am only wearing them for four feet to get that glass of water,’ I end up either swaying like a drunkard or closing my eyes to avoid same.

But, yes, with a black shirt, black pants, a colorful scarf, black leather jacket, and a black angora beret, I would look…what was it you said when I put on the beret? “Even more like I should be reading beatnik poetry in a smoky club somewhere”?

No doubt they make you very studious-looking and help you dodge Socratic bogies :P

Essentially, though I don’t think I specified a smokey club.

Haha! Well, they do help me see them coming…

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