Ibuprofen is splendid, and so is my kitten!

Friday September 29, 2006 @ 02:33 PM (UTC)

So far my glorious range of medical malfunctions have had the kindness to avoid the days I’m scheduled to work at Queequeg’s Qoffee Qasa. However, today I have no hours, and my body’s taken the chance to pounce on me.

Luckily, however, I have the two best cures in the world on hand; glorious Ibuprofen, which (once you manage to eat food) makes the symptoms go away, and a beautiful Tazendra to curl up by my side and knead me into wellbeing. She’s being so very cuddly and so very sweet that I can only conclude that it’s a trick designed to convince me that I should quit my job, quit my graduate school and spend every day cuddling with her and doing nothing. The other explanation is that she just REALLY loves this bathrobe.

In other news, she’s losing her baby teeth:

She's teething!



I am very sorry you had a headache, but glad Ibuprofen helps. That tooth is very…toothy. I didn’t know cats lost their teef.

I looked it up when I found the fang! I didn’t know either, and for a moment I thought something was wrong :(

It made me extra-happy about it when I found out it was normal, hence the toothy photos :p

Also, call me an ex-proto-paleontologist, but I think teeth are super-splendo-rific.

The term “teething” is usually used when kids, dogs, cats, etc. get their first teeth. What your cat is doing is losing her baby teeth.

You are entirely right, and I shall adjust my commentary accordingly.

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