I have kibbled up the speak-talks that come from my mouth. In my headplace there are thinks that have form and fluid, howso when they tiptoe from the dribble lip they are brokens. Is that the coffee is adulterer of syrup and foamy, theretwo not make fluids the tick-talk? Is picketty nonsense all the throw-out of my crane now? I have tripping in my tongue, and knot in lacey poem paths. I have silence when I speaks and speakses when I try quiet. I have blicky-blicky stick talk tongue and the fractal-fracture jars of words under my hair.
No subject
cough, cough
Re: No subject
I hjaf not been drinking unless the macchiato sprup was not the sprup of caramel but of the drunken plant. But when I told a labling, “I…am…sorry…cannot…speak…right…coffee…not…working,” he has stold to me that I shouyldmust cease with coffee by noon and startt the alkiehol at noon. I haff told him this is bad and wrong, and no alkihol shall be here in iny cirucmstand.
I thinks maybe too much cafeeing is part of probalme, since often the toomuchs of caffeine cause my dropsy fingres to drop in wrongess on the keboard, and right now, prapos for humornous effec,t I am not correcting thws dropsy types of fingers.
Hownerver hen this happens of the too much fafefeinge usually I am all shuddershiverjangle figners, wherease in the resent time my arms are slacky sclakc slack like unto the bands of urbber, or rather rubber., I havbe, I think, the sleepies muchly, and somenow also the playfunless of language has gone with the sleepies and th e typodropsis into the funnies ahahahahahah that i have eftyped.
Also, I think it is funny.
a matter of stone
You Rock, Felicity
Re: a matter of stone
:) Why am I not surprised that you like nonsense? Here is some REAL nonsense.
As you can tell, I’ve gotten much better. I had some sugar, and then I ran around trying to find one of my bosses to tell him to go pick up his sick kid at daycare. Sugar and exercise, folks, good for noodly-word syndrome.
Wait, noodly? Maybe I am not cured…
Another possibility
From this page:
Hmm… ;o)Re: Another possibility
Bah! Can schizophrenia be cured by orange slice and a quick jog? Cuz if so there are a lot of unfortunate kids self-medicating with hard drugs that should be told. :p
Re: Another possibility
Conversely, I’m sure a lot of people wish it were that easy…
Re: Another possibility
Pree-cisely. Of course, even if it were—you know, exercise alleviates depression HUGELY, but you basically need to have Susan Powter or other drill sergeant SCREAMING at people in order to get them to do it. Of course, schizophrenia and depression are very different, but it still might be hard to get ‘em to do it.
Actually, I recall from Psych 101 that if you have the kind of schizophrenia with voices (the most well-known kind), you can stop the voices by letting your mouth hang open—because you sub-vocalise them yourself. However, most people don’t want to walk about with their mouths hanging open, so they don’t do it.
Re: a matter of stone
Mehtinks you need some Gertrude Stein in your life.
Re: a matter of stone
Since I have no Gertrustein, it is hard to feel the lack thereof.