The good news is that I am fitfully beginning to blog once more! The bad news is that it shouldn’t be here at for the foreseeable future. That doesn’t mean I’m abandoning the domain: it means that for technical reasons, I can’t keep on using this blog as it is. I may someday start fresh with a different content management system, but for now, will be a static archive, and new content will only appear elsewhere.

Where to find me and my writing

Medium: My new blog posts
Twitter: My random thoughts and political opinions My publication news and listings

Several of my published stories, such as “Conditional Love” and “Small Towns”, are reprinted on my author website. I hope to add more reprints, and audio recordings of them, in the future. These will always be linked from my list of publications, and I’ll trumpet about additions on social media when they’re made! was a very important project for me: it helped me find my voice and footing as a writer, and gave me the freedom to play — just as important as the rigor of ‘getting serious’. I’m glad it will be here, even as a digital fossil, for the present.


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