Fisheses and things

Wednesday November 17, 2010 @ 11:12 PM (UTC)

I’m having yet more travel days – this time to Seattle for what one might call Nephewcon, if one weren’t yet over the humor of appending “con” to things. (One isn’t.) Here, however, in lieu of actual content, is my favorite of the photos I took last week:

Mystery fish.

He is a fish, obviously, but I haven’t yet researched what kind. Should any of you know, please enlighten me. I feel I should have an inkling, but I have just started Mass Effect 2 so now he looks like a Krogan to me.

Tomorrow, hopefully, I should have the time to throw some links in the meat of the letter I am going to send to several branches and nodes of government about this TSA outrage. Just because my congresspeople are going to get it on paper doesn’t mean I shouldn’t imbue it with linkjuice for you, denizens of the intertube. I will also be making a version for my state government, because this seems like a good idea.

Sidenote: when I write fiction, I tend to write skeletal drafts which need fleshing out. When I write angry letters, I tend to write more voluminous drafts which need to be trimmed to a crisp, incisive point. Now I’m going to go watch a YouTube video of kittens to relieve my civic angst.


They are amazing and awesome and grow to be quite large. There used to be a huge one with a weird eye tumor thingy in the display tank at the front of Legin restaurant. I wonder if he is still there?

I had not realized that they look like Krogan, but you are completely correct, of course.

Thank you, Simone! I had despaired of ever finding out. This one is at Meiji-En in NE.

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