Firsts! (In which I make another sale)

Thursday July 14, 2011 @ 07:26 PM (UTC)

It’s not easy opening a securely closed envelope while carrying the rest of the mail, a set of keys, and a plastic bag full of Chinese takeaway. But sometimes it’s worth it! Teasing open this particular envelope yielded me an acceptance letter from none other than The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, more commonly known as F&SF!

This sale marks several firsts for me. It’s my first fantasy sale ever, and my first novelette sale! (For those of you not up on our obscure lingo, that means it’s longer than my previous short fiction sales — over 7500 words.) It’s also my first sale to this excellent magazine.

The novelette in question is called “Small Towns”, and it’s set just after World War I in Europe. So I suppose it will be my first published historical fiction, as well! I am proud and excited — thanks to everybody who read this story and believed in it, especially my critique group and Ryan!

As soon as I know more about when this story is coming out, I’ll pass it on here. À la prochaine!


Fantastic news! Congratulations!

Man, y’all comment fast! Thank you very much for your congratulations! I can’t wait to spam you again when it’s out ;)

Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it!!

I look forward to reading it! Thank you and gratz!


Wonderful to see the content & venue expansion.

So proud of you, Felicity!

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! I SALUTE YOU!!!!

Fabulous news all around. Congratulations!

Thank you so much, all of you! And I do assure you, you will be kept apprised of all getting-your-hands-on-it developments :)

I don’t check your blog for a few days and look what happens. I believe this is another example of the miraculous ways of Chinese takeaway if I’m not mistaken. Congratulations!

Elaine — yes, just when you thought my blog was a barren, updateless wasteland! I was just lulling you into a false sense of boredom.

I can’t recall what the fortune cookie said, but it failed to read “you just sold a story,” so I scoffed and put it in the paper recycling.

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