December Pie

Monday January 18, 2010 @ 02:27 PM (UTC)

I noticed it’s been a long time since I posted photos of my monthly piemaking. Now, there’s been no groundswell of public protest to this pie paucity, and for all I know my readers are sitting at home rejoicing that they don’t have to look at my pies every month. But I have no data either way, and besides, it’s my website. I’ll boast if I want to.

Here is, ahem, December’s pie. Since obviously I made it last month, I must have been delaying this post for a long time! Look at those Christmas decorations! That’s an old picture!

Chocolate Cream Pie with Cinnamon Meringue

Chocolate Cream Pie with Cinnamon Meringue

This pie, like most of my Homemade Pie of the Month entries, is made from a recipe in Ken Haedrich’s Pie: 300 Tried-And-True Recipes for Delicious Homemade Pie.

This is the last pie of 2009, but I gave Ryan another round of Homemade Pie of the Month for this year. So you may have to endure more of these posts.


First of all, I have no problem with you posting pictures of your pies on your website. I rather enjoy seeing them. :) Secondly, this one sounds and looks REALLY yummy! I’m not generally a huge pie fan, but chocolate cream is one of my weaknesses.

It’s pretty good! The cinnamon in the meringue gives it a sort of cozy, warm feeling. Maybe I’ll make it for a family shindig one of these days.

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