Calyx reading in September

Thursday July 16, 2009 @ 01:05 PM (UTC)

The semi-annual issue of CALYX: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women should be out later this week. As I may have mentioned, my realistic story “Ashes” will be published there.

Luckily for me, a large number of contributors to this issue are Portlanders, so CALYX arranged a reading at our very own Annie Bloom’s Books (if I can walk there from my house, it’s my very own). Five authors will be reading: I believe the ratio is two prose to three poetry. Two of the authors (plus me!) are graduates from or students in my MFA program, which is pretty nifty.

So, here’s all the info in case you want to write it a couple of months out on your calendar:
What: Calyx Summer 2009 Reading
When: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 7:30 pm
Where: Annie Bloom’s Books, 7834 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland OR (Multnomah Village)
Who: Felicity Shoulders, Leslie What, Helen Puciloski, Lois Rosen, Mary Calvin


And my vacation is the week before. :(

Dude, don’t contemplate crossing the country yet. Someday, one hopes, I’ll have a whole book of my own to give readings from!

Dudette, I want to see that area of the country; I’d love to catch up with folks; and a reading of a friend would be a wonderful item to catch in the midst of a trip.

Fair enough, fair enough. It’s just my self-deprecatory reflex kicking in.

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