Monday March 27, 2006 @ 11:24 PM (UTC)

You showed polite interest at the intentions. You tutted and soothed at the neuroses. Now, thrill to the fantabulous conclusion!

Today I received an acceptance letter from the young yet happening MFA program at Pacific University! WHOOOOOO! If I were any more visibly bouncing, Qubit would pounce on me, sure I was a cat toy purchased for her amusement. This school was my first choice, and I’m incredibly happy that they accepted me, and relieved to have the wait for news cut so unaccountably short! Huzzah!

And to celebrate, I’ll go work on some fiction for ye. Can you believe it? I am in! I am a grad student! (or will be in mid-June, at any rate!)


Super duper!!! This is so exciting. I can’t wait to see the cover of the first Fel book on the shelves of my B&N. Woohoo!

For those of us who know you well, the news of your acceptance is gratifying but wholly unsurprising, as it validates what we already knew! Pass the tea!

You sound like Greystork :p

Except wordier.

Hee! Myself, I have dreams of being asked to sign the sci-fi/fantasy author pillar at Powell’s. :)

Who wouldn’t be wordier than me? ;o)

When I got my PacU letter I hugged my neighbor and shouted, “I have a purpose!”

That means a lot considering I’m a never married man old enough to be your father.

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