Awards Eligibility 2009

Saturday January 16, 2010 @ 02:49 PM (UTC)

Apparently it’s an accepted practice to post lists of your Nebula- and Hugo- eligible pieces for the delectation of passing voters, but it’s a dashed awkward sort of thing to do, especially when you have no pieces to list. I didn’t publish any spec-fic during 2009.

However, this is my second (therefore, last) year of eligibility for the John W. Campbell Best New Writer Award. If you register for an attending or supporting membership at AussieCon before January 31, or if you attended/supported last year’s Worldcon, you could nominate me here.

Well, that wasn’t so bad. I managed to get through it all without hopping from foot to foot and babbling in manner of Bertie Wooster. Maybe by next year it won’t feel so very uncomfortable. Toodle-pip!


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