Au courant and au revoir

Monday May 15, 2006 @ 06:00 PM (UTC)

I’m sorry I’ve been so remiss in updating the site lately; many things have stayed on paper that long since should have been transferred to bits. And at least a while longer they shall stay ink; I am going on a trip.

My aunt passed away in the wee hours this morning, after years of brain cancer and complications. She was always a great traveler; a web search for her name turns up mostly comments on travelogue websites! Grandma and I have agreed that she will be with us in spirit on our trip to Eastern Canada, which the family would not hear of us postponing.

I never went on a trip with her, but from her stories and her personality (not to mention her web-comments), I can see what kind of traveler she was. Energetic, resourceful, and optimistic, she wrang the most joy, learning and beauty out of every moment she had and every place she saw. That is an excellent spirit, I think, to take with one on a journey; and it was an excellent spirit for a remarkable woman and a loving, determined life.

See you in June.


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