
Monday September 19, 2005 @ 02:47 PM (UTC)

The word for ‘submarine’ in French is [below|text|sous], but the word which bubbled into my mind this morning as I stumbled into the warmth of my shower was [you know this one!|text|sous][morning|text|matin], and I feel it is an appropriate creation.

I feel that morning is an alien element through which I make my way, surrounded by things which make, in the normal, surface world, no sense. Occasionally I surface, check my chronometer, shift my ballast, and dive again. Morning seems to have a higher resistance than other times of day, and simply moving through it, opening my eyes in it, takes immeasurably more effort than moving through simple air. Forget ‘under the weather’, from now on when I’m having trouble adjusting from the world of quilts and teddy bears and nonsensical dreams to that of harsh lights and tasks to do, I will be ‘sous-matin’. I will be operating ‘undermorning’.


I am sorry for you. Because the morning is a time when, at least five days a week, most people are up and you are expected to be up. So that’s too bad. I love the morning! It is a happy time. I prefer to get up at 6 AM. Especially on the weekends. That’s bonus time, prior to 10 AM-there’s no traffic, you can get a parking spot at Green Lake, there’s no one at the grocery store-I can get so much done! Yippee! I’ve noticed I’m most productive between 6 AM and 2 PM. THen I hit a lull, and things pick back up around 8:30 or 9:00. Of course, then it’s time to head to bed to be rested for another day. Don’t worry, I know exactly how annoying I am.

You are a horrible person. Horrible.

It’s odd how people without interesting sleep cycles like the one I “entertain” place an emphasis on specific times of the day. Personally, I like the time(s) of day when no one else is awake. No background traffic rumble, screaming kids or barking dogs. Just peace and an opportunity to concentrate on your work. Of course, then you get the screaming kids and barking dogs when you need to sleep, but that’s a different story.

I suppose having “morning” occur at a different time each day keeps life interesting and makes it sort of okay that the world is spinning, literally, too fast for me.

You can almost hear the birds tweeting in the background of her post, can’t you?

Interestingly, people’s sleep cycles naturally change in length with age. The average teenager has a sleep cycle between 25 and 26, for instance.

I too, love the time when no one is awake; but I fear my way of coming to it is quite different from that of my dear sibling.

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