And a brass plaque that reads “Chekhov’s Gun”! I received many fabulous birthday presents for my thirtieth birthday, but none so geeky, and nearly none so unexpected, as this replica pulse rifle from Aliens:

M41A Pulse Rifle

Ryan got this for me without even knowing that I’ve been coveting it since age 17. He said he was afraid I would be less excited about having it around than he was. I think once he caught me petting it, that fear was dispelled!


No, what you need now is a Caterpillar Power Loader J-5000. You know, for the garage or something. It will be useful in act III.

Sadly, I don’t think our garage has the overhead clearance.

I was thinking an incinerator unit might be the logical accessory, myself.

Happy, happy thirtieth! It’s a good decade. Trust me on that.

Already it is the decade in which I have had the most replica pulse rifles. Thus it’s looking awesome so far!

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