I am informed that the main function of my blog is to let my sister know what new movies I have seen and what I thought of them. While this is a little distant from my vision statement, I am reasonably accustomed to being bossed by my older sister, so I am going to make an effort to post a rundown within a few days of exiting the cinema. This may mean compromising my usual habit of writing long, exhaustive reviews, but I think I’ll sur— hey, wait, why are you guys cheering?

Anyway, far overdue, here are a few notes on my most recent forays into shinyland.

The 40 Year Old Virgin
This movie is far less crass and unkind than some might guess from the general plot outline (slightly geeky guy has never had sex; his co-workers try to get him laid.) It’s actually rather sweet, and while it has too many raunchy jokes and too much toilet humor and swearing for me to take it home to Mom, it makes you smile, not just laugh. The joke is more on the deeply deluded co-workers than on Andy, the resigned virgin. Basically, it entertains and delights at every turn. It’s occasionally predictable, but that comes with the romantic comedy territory, and, well, I guarantee you won’t predict the closing credits sequence.
Very funny, with occasional groans or embarrassment, but a good heart.

Transporter 2
For once, a sequel surpasses the original. The first Transporter had great music, great driving, great fight scenes, and Jason Statham. I’ll admit, that’s more or less all it had (no, I tell a lie. EXPLOSIONS!), but it was enough for me. My sister informs me the plot and dialogue were forgettable. I don’t care; I didn’t mind forgetting them. The sequel, on the other hand, had unbelievable driving and fight scenes, same great theme music, same Jason Statham…and snappy dialogue with an entertaining plot. You don’t need to have seen the first one to enjoy this one. All you need is a love of action movies and a love of style. So much style.
Slick, entertaining action movie, beautifully executed. I laughed at it because it was funny, I laughed at it because it was so audacious. Enjoy.


Too bad Transporter 2 lacks the most important visual element of the original.

blink Maybe I am silly*, but I am missing it. Do you disapprove of the car in the sequel, or the lack of Japanese chixx0rs?

*Out of politeness to this ‘felicity’ person, I have not said that she is DEFINITELY silly, as well as sleepy.

Not just any Japanese chixx0r, mind you, but Shu Qi! And besides, she’s Taiwanese. :o)

I’m bad, and couldn’t remember. Though that name is OBVIOUSLY Chinese in origin! (oddly, telling Asian people’s countries from their names has been a useful job skill for me.)

I guess I’m just weird, because I think Jason Statham is a far more important ‘visual element’. Either that or I’m a straight girl :p

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