Posts tagged with "reprint" - Faerye Net 2010-09-22T02:15:13+00:00 Felicity Shoulders "Conditional Love" to appear in Escape Pod podcast! 2010-09-22T02:15:13+00:00 2010-10-03T12:52:27+00:00 <p>If you missed <a href="" target="links">&#8220;Conditional Love&#8221;</a> when it appeared in January&#8217;s <em><a href="" target="links">Asimov&#8217;s Science Fiction</a></em>, you will have another chance! I found out today that <a href="" target="links"><em>Escape Pod</em></a> bought my story!</p> <p>I&#8217;ve been listening to <em>Escape Pod</em> for a while (although my reluctance to take walks whilst the daystar is holding its cruel summer sway has led to a podcast backlog) and it is a consistently excellent podcast. I am extremely glad to have my story there, and I look forward to hearing what they do with it!</p> How do you say "Conditional Love" in Polish? 2010-09-15T16:31:45+00:00 2010-09-15T16:31:51+00:00 <p>I should find out in December, when my story will be reprinted in Poland&#8217;s anthology <a href="|en"><em>Kroki w nieznane</em></a> (Steps Into the Unknown), edited by Mirosław Obarski.</p> <p>This will be my <a href="" target="links">second translation</a> overall, and the first time one of my stories has been invited to a reprint anthology in any language. I&#8217;m very pleased, especially because the anthology has an interesting background and a history of very high-powered authors in its pages.</p> <p>I&#8217;m so happy to see my stories travel around the world!</p> The Midnight Folk 2008-08-25T08:56:44+00:00 2008-09-26T22:21:20+00:00 <p>The other day EMeta mentioned <a href="" target="links">in comments</a> how inexplicable it is that Gene Wolfe isn&#8217;t a household name. Here is another one of those inexplicable oversights of the book world: <a href="" target="links"><em>The Midnight Folk</em></a> by John Masefield.</p> <p>This book sat on my shelf for years unread when I was a child, one of a few red-banded paperbacks like E. Nesbit&#8217;s <em>Three Children and It</em> that had materialized there unseen, like untorn books in Colin Craven&#8217;s sickroom. I often picked it up and put it down again in favor of more known quantities (for I was a great rereader) in spite of the cover, which sported a young woman on a <em>horse</em> inexplicably hovering in the night sky!</p> <p>Whenever it was that I finally opened it, I could have kicked my previous selves for putting it down unread. It is charming, brimming with adventure, and written with a seamless confusion between the real and magical realms. Its charm is partially in its hero, Kay Harker, who writes himself a letter at one point (an assignment from his supercilious governess) that runs:</p> <blockquote>My dear Kay,<br /> I hop you are quite well.<br /> I hop your friends, the cats, are quite well.<br /> I am quite well.<br /> Please give my love to Ellen. I hop she is quite well. We have a nice dog here, but he is norty.</blockquote> <p>If that doesn&#8217;t have you saying &#8220;hop you are quite well&#8221; and &#8220;norty&#8221; (naughty) for the rest of your life in sheer delight (as I do) then you&#8217;re constituted quite differently from me.</p> <p>John Masefield was the Poet Laureate of England for a while, and the book is quite enjoyable to adults (who, in our degenerate age, are more likely to understand Kay&#8217;s horror at Latin lessons and French conjugation). Its challenging habit of hopping from a reality where witches convene on brooms pilfered from the Harker family house to one where Kay&#8217;s guardian, Lord Theopompus, holds forth is engaging and wondrous. The common thread in both worlds is the lost fortune said to have been stolen and hidden by Kay&#8217;s seafaring forebear. With the help of various magical personages and the friendlier local cats and foxes, Kay tries to find out the truth about the treasure (and his family&#8217;s past) before the greedy coven of witches and wizards can beat him to it.</p> <p>In short, this book is a strange, idiosyncratic delight with a twisting historical mystery, a cast of bizarre characters, and a charmingly disobedient protagonist. It deserves a place on the bookshelf of every book-loving child and child at heart. However &#8211; and this is why I write this blogget &#8211; it is largely unknown in our era and has long languished out of print. 108 people on <a href="" target="links">LibraryThing</a> own it, and only 21 on the more populous <a href="" target="links">Goodreads</a>. When I discovered that my childhood copy had gone missing, my mother quietly looked for years before buying a 1959 printing over the web from New Zealand and presenting it on my 19th birthday.</p> <p>However, these dark days are coming to a close. <em>The Midnight Folk</em> is being reprinted, available September 30 <a href="" target="links">according to Powell&#8217;s</a>. I encourage everyone intrigued by this blog post to pick up a copy (but not to read the spoilerish Publisher Comments) at once &#8211; preorder if you like! It&#8217;s a book that deserves a wide and loving audience. I hop it shall do quite well.</p>