tagged with "pronunciation" - Faerye Net2009-01-28T16:37:33+00:00Felicity Shoulders Peevishness VI2009-01-28T16:37:33+00:002009-01-29T14:08:38+00:00<p>Dear sweet English. You’re such an enthusiastic language. You like to grab. But it’s good to take care of the things you borrow from other languages, even if those languages confuse you.</p>
<p>It is unacceptable to fail to pronounce consonants in French words and phrases simply because French has more silent letters than English does.</p>
<p>It is wrong to pronounce “the blow of mercy” “the blow of grease”. Especially on national radio. The momentary blindness of wrath could cause a pedant to crash her car.</p>
<p><strong>Coup de grace.</strong> Grahss. GrahSSSSSSSS. Please. For automotive safety.</p>