Posts tagged with "jungianism" - Faerye Net 2008-08-14T11:31:34+00:00 Felicity Shoulders Water and film 2008-08-14T11:31:34+00:00 2009-12-15T23:20:55+00:00 <p><strong>Spoiler Warning:</strong> <em>This post contains extremely mild spoilers for</em> Dark City, <em>medium-sized</em> Batman Begins <em>spoilers, and sizable spoilers for</em> Signs <em>and</em> The Wizard of Oz. <em>I will put a friendly bold phrase after the spoiler paragraphs are done, for your skipping pleasure.</em></p> <p>I watched the Director&#8217;s Cut of <em>Dark City</em> yesterday. The movie was already splendid, but the Director&#8217;s Cut was more or less flawless.</p> <p>I was struck by the fact that the Strangers are afraid of water. This sounds familiar, so I started cataloging all the adversaries in film that are similarly afraid of water. I only got as far as the grays in <em>Signs</em> and the Wicked Witch of the West, but I feel certain there are more. In <em>Dark City</em> it&#8217;s particularly intriguing because the adversaries have a conflicted relationship with the human psyche. Sadly, I could not refer to von Franz&#8217;s <em><a href="" target="links">The Interpretation of Fairy Tales</a></em> as it went in the first box of books I packed, but in it von Franz says that water in fairy tales represents the unconscious (which in Jungian theory is not just the forgotten and suppressed psyche, but the part of the psyche that contains the richest creative potential and which we must embrace in order to be whole Selves.) This makes sense if you consider water as a source of fear for the Strangers, and in fact water&#8217;s central role in the imaginative life of John Murdoch.</p> <p>One of the writers of <em>Dark City</em>, David S. Goyer, also worked on <em>Batman Begins</em>, in which the villains try to use the water which connects the people of Gotham to drive them mad. It&#8217;s almost like they&#8217;re trying to poison the Collective Unconscious!</p> <p><strong>No worries!</strong> I try not to go crazy with the Jungianism, in general. It can be, as von Franz admits, just a way of &#8220;replac[ing] one myth by another&#8221;. But you all know I love water &#8211; water <a href="" target="links">in the ocean</a>, water <a href="" target="links">falling from the sky</a>, water <a href="">running headlong off a basalt bluff</a>. It&#8217;s interesting to think what place this necessary element, this harbinger and nurturer of life, holds in our collective imagination. It&#8217;s beautiful how the tropes of old hold true in our modern myth-making.</p> <p>Any other hydrophobic movie villains to add to my list? Other movies whose waterways make for interesting musing?</p>