tagged with "gadget" - Faerye Net2010-06-28T13:32:57+00:00Felicity Shoulders trip: White River Falls2010-06-28T13:32:57+00:002010-06-28T13:33:23+00:00<p>I thought I’d post a photo from the trip <a href="" target="links">Ryan</a> and I took this weekend to White River Falls State Park, just a bit south of The Dalles in our fine Beaver State.</p>
<center><a href="" title="White River Falls -- Upper and Lower by Felicity Shoulders, on Flickr"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="White River Falls -- Upper and Lower" border="0"></a></center>
<p>As a side note for gadget geeks, this photo (and my <a href="" target="links">other photos</a> from the trip) were taken with my new iPhone 4. Not bad for a phone.</p>