tagged with "crime" - Faerye Net2006-10-02T17:18:59+00:00Felicity Shoulders crimes2006-10-02T17:18:59+00:002008-05-30T13:53:02+00:00<p>For a while now, I’ve been struggling with the concept of ‘hate crimes,’ as <a href="" target="links">used in American law</a>. Part of my problem is described in the linked wikipedia article — it’s one of the areas of jurisprudence which gets most involved with the mindset of the criminal — not just whether he* planned the murder or knew what he was doing, but <em>why</em> he did it. It’s a fraught question, because it is nebulous and requires the court to ultimately know the killer’s motives, perhaps better than he does himself. There is also the issue of thoughtcrime — most of us don’t like the prospect of being prosecuted for thoughts, even if those thoughts are, in the case of hate crimes, pretty vile.</p>
<p>That, I don’t think, is quite enough to throw out the concept of ‘hate crime’ as an aggravating factor or separate charge entirely. But one thing I find particularly problematic about the ‘hate crime’ label is inconsistencies in how it is deployed. For one thing, I think the legal defense <a href="" target="links">“gay panic”</a> is pretty much an admission of hate crime, not a defense against it, but that’s not my main point here. My main point is that certain groups aren’t protected. Particularly, women.</p>
<p>Until today, this thought process of mine about hate crimes and women ended: “Aren’t most serial killers motivated by an irrational hatred of women? Why the hell aren’t <em>they</em> being prosecuted for hate crimes?” Well, today we have a new standard: <a href="" target="links">A gunman enters a school, has all the boys leave, and starts shooting girls</a>. (Not to be confused with the Colorado school shooting/hostage crisis last week, where the gunman <a href="" target="links">chose certain (mostly blonde) girls as hostages and sexually assaulted them</a>.) Of course, the gunmen in both cases are dead. That’s pretty much par for this particular course. So we won’t find out if any DA would consider prosecuting this as a hate crime. But I have a feeling that if the killer had let all the white schoolchildren out of a mixed-race classroom and started shooting at the remaining children, there would be no question.</p>
<p>Should ‘hate crime’ legislation be used to prosecute such a criminal, if we manage to catch one alive? Or is the entire ‘hate crime’ designation too nebulous to remain in the body of American law? I am most certainly not a lawyer, and I really don’t know. It all just makes me tired and sad. What do you think, reader?</P>
<p><small>* I use the male pronoun throughout. At first, I used ‘he/she’, but by the time I got to ‘himself/herself’, it had become ridiculous. Not all criminals are male, not all killers are male. I am adopting ‘he’ for ease of use.</small></p>