Posts tagged with "bad poetry" - Faerye Net 2006-04-01T00:41:39+00:00 Felicity Shoulders A poem: Blackest Damask 2006-04-01T00:41:39+00:00 2008-06-08T14:28:18+00:00 <p><b>Update: Goes without saying, I hope, that this was a joke. My ankle doesn&#8217;t seem to be broken, Qubit hasn&#8217;t bitten me, I have no intentions of having the site red and black forever, and Ryan isn&#8217;t running off with Loren&#8230;yet. Therefore, please forgive the horrible poetry :)</b></p> <p><em>God, I hate the world. My ankle is turning so many lovely shades of rotting plum and bilious yellow that it&#8217;s next to certain it&#8217;s broken; the cat bit me on the face while I was lying on the couch in pain; and Ryan muttered something about Loren and thinking things over and went out for a long drive half an hour ago. I don&#8217;t have the energy to finish the fucking site overhaul, so live with it; it&#8217;s ugly and imperfect and human. Life is just a cruel joke, and the only thing that makes it feel worth living is poetry.</em></p> <p><b><font color="#cc0000">blackest damask</font></b><br /> <font color="#cc0000">I hate you all<br /> twisting sisters in the night rending<br /> I hate you with a will<br /> that breaks in any breeze</font></p> <font color="#cc0000"> <p>When will you come to me<br /> In the angry light-dying<br /> Crepuscule<br /> that I may feel your blood<br /> and know your day is gone</p> <p>I hate you all<br /> except the hatelight self<br /> so brilliantburning sweet agonies<br /> of fleshturned flame.<br /> I bring you furies<br /> and my wristcupped reds<br /> o my hatredlove</p> <p>drink deep<br /> and end you&frasl;me love&frasl;hate&#8230;<br /> end all</p></font>