on "The Lonely Mecha-Dragon" - Faerye Net2008-07-31T19:33:41+00:00 note2008-07-31T19:33:41+00:002008-07-31T19:33:41+00:00<p>Ryan feels this version lacks one of the charms of the original one-paragraph version, because it fails to contain repeated instances of the word “burninate.”</p>Felicityhttp://faerye.net Lovely2008-07-31T19:30:35+00:002008-07-31T19:30:35+00:00<p>I <em>tried</em> to make a silly little thing for here…guess only serials are safe to stay up forever!</p>
<p>Speaking of which, Grey City part 18 should be up within the next week or so. :)</p>Felicityhttp://faerye.net<p>Quite enjoyable. Can easily see that in a magazine or a short story collection.</p>Novel!2008-07-31T10:08:33+00:002008-07-31T10:08:33+00:00<p>I love it!!! Please take it down forthwith and commence with the magazine-shopping.</p>Stevehttp://www.bedrick.org Like this.2008-07-30T18:22:01+00:002008-07-30T18:22:01+00:00<p>Oh no! When you like things I have to take them down and start shopping them around to magazines :P</p>Felicityhttp://faerye.net this.2008-07-30T17:55:45+00:002008-07-30T17:55:45+00:00<p>Funny stuff.</p>Jeannine