on "The Golden Ticket" - Faerye Net2007-11-16T02:33:53+00:00 damn!2007-11-16T02:33:53+00:002007-11-16T02:33:53+00:00<p>I knew you when.</p>nursefusion!2007-11-14T23:52:01+00:002007-11-14T23:52:01+00:00<p>Fantastic! I’m really proud of you, and kudos for joining that exclusive club of Published Authors. Send me some info so I can buy myself a copy!<br />
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Sadly, only writing I’ve been doing is of the legal variety, so you’re going to have to do it for the rest of us vicariously. :)</p>garrisod, Golden Girl!2007-11-14T17:07:44+00:002007-11-14T17:07:44+00:00<p>As one of my early SF favorites once wrote, “You’re a blinding flash and a deafening report!”.</p>dhs!2007-11-14T15:51:10+00:002007-11-14T15:51:10+00:00<p>Congratulations and attagirls.<br />
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Glad it happened. Remember to post which magazine so we can all support their publication for at least a month.</p>Novel idea2007-11-14T14:06:47+00:002007-11-14T14:06:47+00:00<p>Ken ye frame the rejection nigh longside the acceptance? Symmetry!</p>sister sledge!2007-11-14T11:18:51+00:002007-11-14T11:18:51+00:00<p>Congratulations! When do I get my copy? : )</p>infinitecreature subject2007-11-14T05:32:57+00:002007-11-14T05:32:57+00:00<p>Congratulations!!!!</p>aakepley