Comments on "The demands of art, the demands of self" - Faerye Net 2007-11-18T14:45:38+00:00 Re: Women's Work... 2007-11-18T14:45:38+00:00 2007-11-18T14:45:38+00:00 <p>True! I&#8217;m lucky that my male companion fends for himself foodwise. If I feel like cooking, I put it on the calendar and it&#8217;s, if not a big deal, then appreciated as an event. <br /> <br /> I tried to open up my verbiage a touch to other art, which definitely poses the same problems, but thanks for chiming in from the visual arts perspective. <br /> <br /> Another thing I have found nice is sleeping in my study sometimes. If I&#8217;m on a roll, I can go say good night to Captain Normal Schedule and retire to my workspace to pursue my thought without worrying about the &#8220;It&#8217;s HOW late?&#8221; factor overmuch.</p> felicity Women's Work... 2007-11-14T20:23:10+00:00 2007-11-14T20:23:10+00:00 <p>I felt compelled to comment on the thread about women writers and the difficulty of getting the time and solitude to write. I am a fiber artist, and a wife, and I find it is very difficult to find the time to work uninterrupted on my quilt projects! I want time ALONE in my own home to work, without being interrupted by requests for meals! I am quite willing to eat cottage cheese and celery sticks, so why does the other person in this house need meat and potatoes? Sorry to be whingy (or is it whingey?), but really! Any female artist has trouble finding the time to be creative! I would recommend the book, &#8220;The Creative Woman&#8217;s Getting It All Together at Home Handbook&#8221; by Jean Ray Laury, a fiber artist married to a sculptor. Some laughter and very some practical suggestions! Dated, but women still are fighting for equality, in my opinion! Oh, by the way, do remember that all guilt is OPTIONAL! Ta, Suzette</p> suzette No subject 2007-11-13T18:13:37+00:00 2007-11-13T18:13:37+00:00 <p><br /> Is the internet good for writers?</p> nursefusion Hey, your e-mail prompted this other e-mail... 2007-11-08T18:45:13+00:00 2007-11-08T18:45:13+00:00 <p>To my Women Poets Listserv&#8230;I thought it might be relevant&#8230;Thanks for sending me the link to the myslexia article &#8211; I&#8217;ve passed it on to 700 others now! Here&#8217;s the e-mail I sent, based on the e-mail you sent me, commented on the blog post by you that responds to my blog post&#8230;and all for the want of a horseshoe nail. LOL.<br /> <br /> Dear Wompos,<br /> A friend of mine pointed out this older article from a magazine in the UK, which I thought was apt to our discussion of politics, poetry, publishing, and women:<br /><br /> Here&#8217;s a quote from the article:<br /> &#8220;The ennervatingly obvious point is that male writers usually have wives, lovers, mothers, to run their homes and patrol the quiet solitude creativity demands. As Katia Mann (wife of Thomas Mann) said: ‘My portion was to see to it that he had the best circumstances for his work’.13 ‘After we were married he wrote more,’ boasted a proud Mrs William Carlos Williams. ‘I saw to it that he had time.’14 What woman writer can say that of her husband?&#8221;<br /> I have to say that I think my husband is a rarity in that he does think my writing is important, so he does a majority of the cooking and cleaning at home, and has always told me to value working on my poetry like it was one of my &#8220;paying&#8221; jobs. Will this kind of companion become more common in the future? I hope so&#8230;Right now I feel very lucky, but frustrated that this kind of &#8220;luck&#8221; for women writers isn&#8217;t more common.<br /> Hope you read and enjoy!<br /> Take care,<br /> Jeannine Hall Gailey<br /></p> j9hallg