on "The Dark Knight reviewed" - Faerye Net2008-07-27T15:41:16+00:00 thank you.2008-07-27T15:41:16+00:002008-07-27T15:41:16+00:00<p>Enh, I saw it at night, and I was not scared.</p>
<p>I have not yet seen <em>Iron Man</em> – this is the first movie I’ve seen in a theatre since <em>Stardust</em> – but plan to.</p>
<p>Harley isn’t a superhero – she’s a supervillain. Not MWA HA HA evil, just “in my mind, blowing you up with a bomb is ‘comic mischief’!” evil. I actually am not 100% sure what my fave minor superhero is. I wrote it that way as a hedge, you see ;) I have a lot of random fondnesses for characters no one else really cares about! And of course, since I stopped getting comic books as they came out, characters I once loved may have gone in unpleasant directions. They’re always torquing characters around, and right after I stopped getting comic books, they jumped continuity ahead a year in the DC universe and took the opportunity of messing with a LOT of characters.</p>
<p>Batgirl a villain MY ASS, DC.</p>Felicityhttp://faerye.net you.2008-07-27T14:25:06+00:002008-07-27T14:25:06+00:00<p>now i am looking forward to seeing it EVEN MORE. we’re going tuesday night, even though honey says he’d rather see it in daylight because it looks so scary! but have you seen ‘iron man?’ i thought it was top drawer kensington. i assume your favorite ‘minor’ superhero is harley quinn? there are some batman specials running on history channel right now, about his technology and his psychology.</p>sister_sledge