Comments on "Scary Go Round" - Faerye Net 2003-08-29T11:25:02+00:00 Re: Undead 2003-08-29T11:25:02+00:00 2003-08-29T11:25:02+00:00 <p>But she&#8217;s the cutest zombie EVER! </p><p> <em>&#8220;We&#8217;re going to fill your mouth with salt, sew up your lips, then return you to the ground with dignity. Because we aren&#8217;t animals, Miss.&#8221;<br /> <strong>whimper</strong><br /></em></p> <p> And just for the record, I have a very good relationship with zombies. My Vorpal Sword goes snicker-snack, the masterwork stiletto comes out&#8212;it&#8217;s all good! I enjoy slaying zombies, they mindlessly pursue me, waiting to be slain. Now vampires, them I really really hate. I mean, you can be either undead, or cool. Not both! Posers!</p> felicity Undead 2003-08-29T11:10:03+00:00 2003-08-29T11:10:03+00:00 <p>Felicity has a problem with the undead. She really doesn&#8217;t like them. So if a piece of fiction can make even her sympathize with a zombie, it must be good. Scary Go Round is that good.<br /> <br /> My only complaint is that it only updates four days a week (Tues-Fri). This is, of course, better than three days a week (a common web comic schedule), but not as good as 5-7. This is not to say that I expect more (I don&#8217;t; hey, I read <a href="">Megatokyo</a> and <a href="">Ever Summer Eve</a>), but rather to express my unhappiness when there is no update every Monday morning.</p> Mithrandir