Comments on "Random thought: zombies" - Faerye Net 2009-10-20T13:08:51+00:00 well then 2009-10-20T13:08:51+00:00 2009-10-20T13:08:51+00:00 <p>embrace your morbidity! It&#8217;s good to be in touch with death. Makes life more zesty.</p> sister_sledge Re: Plague fiction 2009-10-11T23:22:55+00:00 2009-10-11T23:22:55+00:00 <p>No I haven&#8217;t! I haven&#8217;t read any Connie Willis, in fact. I have a couple of plague nonfiction books awaiting me on the shelves, but that sounds like a good addition to the to-read list.</p> <p>This makes me sound really morbid. :P</p> Felicity Plague fiction 2009-10-11T19:21:07+00:00 2009-10-11T19:21:07+00:00 <p>Have you read Doomsday Book by Connie Willis? It&#8217;s a pretty great book, and has great details about living through the plague. I&#8217;d recommend it.</p> john75half