Comments on "On what I read and when" - Faerye Net 2010-02-08T11:44:51+00:00 re: books 2010-02-08T11:44:51+00:00 2010-02-08T11:44:51+00:00 <p>I haven’t really read a lot of author-read audiobooks. I’m glad there’s a trend, though. I would love to do my own audiobooks — I used to want to read audiobooks as a career and was disappointed to find out you mostwise had to be an actor first. Nothing against acting, but I wanted to read audiobooks. :P (P.S. I heard a rumor all the stories at are also author-read podcasts. That’s pretty cool.)</p> <p>Your list is longer than mine. At GR I’m at 224 and at LT I’m at 249! I try to keep it shorter than the ones I’ve entered as ‘read’. (Obviously I’ve read a lot more than 250 books in my life, but I haven’t entered very many, you know?)</p> Felicity books 2010-02-08T07:09:18+00:00 2010-02-08T07:09:18+00:00 <p>My book list at Goodreads is at 285. I have a few titles saved at my library’s website as well. My criteria for friends’ reviews and recommendations seem as similar to and erratic as yours. It’s a complicated confluence of fluid formulas. I find that I get a lot more nonfiction read via audiobooks, and I do a lot of my YA that way as well. I’ll listen to any Barbara Kingsolver via audiobook if she’s reading it. Same with Gaiman, I think. The whole concept is delicious :-)</p> Emily