Comments on "Must...apply...self...for...whole...week!" - Faerye Net 2004-01-13T11:21:54+00:00 And... 2004-01-13T11:21:54+00:00 2004-01-13T11:21:54+00:00 <p>Next week I have Monday off. Sheesh! The luxury!</p> felicity Sissy! 2004-01-12T17:06:13+00:00 2004-01-12T17:06:13+00:00 <p>You think you&#8217;ve got it bad? Ha! I marched into work last Monday after <i>two whole weeks off</i>, only to end up getting Tuesday and Wednesday off due to snow. I worked a grand total of three days in as many weeks.</p> <p> I am <i>so</i> much cooler than you! </p> wonko