Comments on "Master and Commander" - Faerye Net 2005-07-12T22:31:24+00:00 Re: Bad joke 2005-07-12T22:31:24+00:00 2005-07-12T22:31:24+00:00 <p>Puns are never completely rejected here, or I would have IP-banned EMeta long ago.<br /> <br /> If his domain is &#8216;the modern nautical novel,&#8217; then quite probably. Reviewers are always saying things like &#8220;Heir to the greatness of Conrad and Melville!&#8221; which rather implies he has no modern peer!</p> felicity Bad joke 2005-07-12T09:06:54+00:00 2005-07-12T09:06:54+00:00 <p>Ok. I&#8217;ve resisted the impulse for this long, but I can&#8217;t take it anymore. It&#8217;s impertinent &#8211; especially since you have waxed poetic over this guys work. But what we really want to know is he Master (and Commander) of his domain?</p> dr512