Comments on "First Ever Chapbook: The Lonely Mecha-Dragon" - Faerye Net 2008-11-23T15:04:10+00:00 chapbook/Con 2008-11-23T15:04:10+00:00 2008-11-23T15:04:10+00:00 <p>I would like a chapbook, please.</p> <p>How was the Con?</p> sister_sledge re: Just name the price already 2008-11-21T15:32:01+00:00 2008-11-21T15:32:01+00:00 <p>Perhaps, but that just means I&#8217;d have enough if I wasn&#8217;t paying fees. :)</p> <p>Anyway, post-Orycon if you have any left, please let me know. I&#8217;m sure we can find an agreeable arrangement.</p> <p>Hope you&#8217;re enjoying!</p> Novel re: Just name the price already 2008-11-20T21:39:14+00:00 2008-11-20T21:39:14+00:00 <p>I&#8217;ll probably be too busy with Orycon the next few days to send any out, but the amount I was paid this morning by my first non-Orycon customer is well below any minimum balance I&#8217;ve ever seen a bank mandate :p</p> Felicity Just name the price already 2008-11-20T15:19:26+00:00 2008-11-20T15:19:26+00:00 <p>My checking account might otherwise run low when the time comes. :)</p> Novel