Comments on "Blog Buddies" - Faerye Net 2005-10-17T14:04:37+00:00 Re: interesting idea 2005-10-17T14:04:37+00:00 2005-10-17T14:04:37+00:00 <p>I myself am pondering how best to take my own advice. Since my website is hosted by the spectacular <a href="">Jetpants</a> (which any hour now should have a spectacular new logo <em>par moi</em>), Mr. Wonko could, I&#8217;m sure, update my blog to reflect the fact that I&#8217;d been hit by a meteor or gored by a wild buffalo. However, I am often in the car with him, and since the attack of the <a href="">killer Suburban</a> is far more likely, I am torn.<br /> <br /> Perhaps I should put my password in a sealed will and have it revealed to a chosen person Westing-style.</p> felicity interesting idea 2005-10-17T12:47:01+00:00 2005-10-17T12:47:01+00:00 <p>I&#8217;ll consider it. was one of the first blogs I read, and I loved it. She&#8217;s posted like once in the last 18 months. Sometimes I go there to check and she never updates anymore. I wonder what&#8217;s happened. There&#8217;s certainly not a link to another blog/URL. Poo.</p> sister sledge