Comments on "Battlestar Galactica Season 2" - Faerye Net 2006-08-17T10:32:36+00:00 Re: yes, but 2006-08-17T10:32:36+00:00 2006-08-17T10:32:36+00:00 <p>Well, m&#8217;dear, imagine it&#8217;s late at night (early, in fact, in the morning.) You&#8217;re on the writing team of a popular show that seems to have lost its focus a bit. You need to turn in the summary of the next season&#8217;s plot, AND a script for the finale, in two hours. You&#8217;re desperate. You pitch a new season to the other writers. It&#8217;s even less about the nominal themes of the show than the last few episodes have been, but it&#8217;s late, and the others are ready to say &#8220;Care Bears&#8221; was a masterpiece. <br /> <br /> &#8220;YES!&#8221; says one of the writers, &#8220;Sister Sledge, that is a BRILLIANT Season 3!&#8221;<br /> <br /> &#8220;But&#8230;&#8221; says one of the others, and your heart sinks, &#8220;we still don&#8217;t have a finale.&#8221;<br /> <br /> &#8220;I KNOW!&#8221; says Odd Bill, from the back of the room. &#8220;We&#8217;ll just make that whole season she just pitched into the finale!&#8221;</p> felicity yes, but 2006-08-16T21:41:00+00:00 2006-08-16T21:41:00+00:00 <p>Grace us with more detail, prithee!</p> sister sledge