Comments on "Action Movies" - Faerye Net 2003-07-15T19:54:36+00:00 Re: Hopelessness 2003-07-15T19:54:36+00:00 2003-07-15T19:54:36+00:00 <p>I remember asking my Dad what the big deal was about the Russians getting a sports car (eleven-year-old me thinking that a coup d&#8217;etat was some sort of automobile). Beleive it or not, I still have a copy of the map that The Oregonian ran a few days after the whole shift from Communism, showing each of the new countries (my favorite: Kyrgyzistan) and who had which warheads, and all sorts of other interesting newsy information.</p> bedrick Re: Hopelessness 2003-07-15T13:30:50+00:00 2003-07-15T13:30:50+00:00 <p>Dude, I only had Star Wars figures. The Empire will be your enemy <em>forever</em>. At least they&#8217;re dependable.</p> felicity Re: Hopelessness 2003-07-15T12:58:13+00:00 2003-07-15T12:58:13+00:00 <p>The Cold War was great. When I was a kid playing soldier or pitting GI Joes against one another, the badguys were always Russians. Russians were the ultimate evil. Then when Dad told me the Russians were our friends, I was so confused. I couldn&#8217;t figure out who the enemy should be. I had to send my GI Joes through a time portal to World War II so they could fight Germans and Japanese. Luckily, Desert Storm came along and soon my GI Joes were fighting Iraqis and shooting down Scuds.</p> wonko [mild Aliens SPOILERS] Re: Hopelessness 2003-07-15T12:45:19+00:00 2003-07-15T12:45:19+00:00 <p>Hmm. I don&#8217;t really get that from those movies&#8212;maybe because the characters DON&#8217;T give up, so it seems like an affirmation of hope. But I guess I see what you mean. By the time Newt falls through the air-wheel you&#8217;re just going &#8220;they&#8217;re never getting out of there!&#8221; I guess what comes after just changes the tenor of the bad situation for me.<br /> <br /> What I miss is cold war movies. &#8220;Terminator&#8221; and even T2 make me remember how, when I was a child, I really believed the world could end tomorrow. Every time I saw a cartoon of a mushroom cloud (thanks a lot, Gary Larsen!) I remembered that my life could be snuffed out any moment by war. What&#8217;s worse, I didn&#8217;t really understand nukes, so my mental image of &#8220;the world after nuclear holocaust&#8221; was literally our planet with bites taken out of it, an apple core world. Terrifying. At any rate, I feel that menace in the Terminator movies. That sense that life, happiness, prosperity, is on loan, and any moment the gods of war will collect.<br /> <br /> Why the hell do I miss that??</p> felicity Hopelessness 2003-07-15T12:14:10+00:00 2003-07-15T12:14:10+00:00 <p>If there&#8217;s one consistent theme that runs through James Cameron&#8217;s pre-<i>True Lies</i> action movies, it&#8217;s hopelessness. I remember watching <i>Aliens</i> and thinking to myself &#8220;My God, if I was in a situation as hopeless as that, I&#8217;d probably just find a quiet corner and stop breathing.&#8221; That made watching those movies really stressful for me, since I have a habit of imagining myself in other peoples&#8217; shoes.<br /> <br /> For some reason they don&#8217;t make many movies like that anymore. I think I miss them.</p> wonko