Comments on "A weekend!?" - Faerye Net 2003-10-04T12:19:04+00:00 Re: Yay! 2003-10-04T12:19:04+00:00 2003-10-04T12:19:04+00:00 <p>Totally. And this one&#8217;s NEAT but I don&#8217;t want to go on about it much as may be bad luck. (Still not 100% sure)</p> felicity Houses 2003-10-04T12:12:43+00:00 2003-10-04T12:12:43+00:00 <p>So it looks like we&#8217;re going to be able to get the house. We have to deal with the inspection process, and then we&#8217;ll hopefully be able to cement the deal. My realtor tells me that it&#8217;s not usually this complicated; the sellers are just being difficult.</p> Mithrandir Yay! 2003-10-04T08:32:25+00:00 2003-10-04T08:32:25+00:00 <p>Houses are good! You can do things like, paint them and have a garden and pets and everything! :)</p> Lady Zaria