Comments on "28 Days Later" - Faerye Net 2004-04-13T14:47:45+00:00 Re: alternate ending 2004-04-13T14:47:45+00:00 2004-04-13T14:47:45+00:00 <p>Yeah, I&#8217;m kind of with you. That&#8217;s why I stopped watchin&#8217; the deleted scenes. Of course, in a case like this where it&#8217;s rented, there&#8217;s less of a &#8220;lazy Sunday afternoon&#8221; and more of a &#8220;quickly, before it&#8217;s gone!&#8221; issue.</p> felicity Re: alternate ending 2004-04-13T13:52:53+00:00 2004-04-13T13:52:53+00:00 <p>Yeah. Extras are for lazy Sunday afternoons or long trips, not for right after the movie. Watching all the extras right after a good movie just ruins that good movie feeling. Plus, deleted scenes are usually deleted for a reason.</p> wonko Re: alternate ending 2004-04-13T13:08:21+00:00 2004-04-13T13:08:21+00:00 <p>Which, my not checking for extras?</p> felicity Re: alternate ending 2004-04-13T10:45:26+00:00 2004-04-13T10:45:26+00:00 <p>That&#8217;s a good habit, usually.</p> wonko Re: alternate ending 2004-04-13T09:44:20+00:00 2004-04-13T09:44:20+00:00 <p>We do still have the disc. We could check.</p> Mithrandir Re: alternate ending 2004-04-13T08:40:49+00:00 2004-04-13T08:40:49+00:00 <p>I have a bad habit of just watching the movie part of a DVD, and not taking any notice of any extras, deleted scenes, alternate endings, or what-not. So I really don&#8217;t know. :(</p> felicity alternate ending 2004-04-13T00:47:10+00:00 2004-04-13T00:47:10+00:00 <p>I saw the movie twice in the theaters. I liked it, but I wouldn&#8217;t have spent the money to see it again in the theaters if someone hadn&#8217;t told me it had a REALLY AWESOME alternate ending. Well, I don&#8217;t know what that person was smoking. The alternate ending was&#8230;well&#8230;an alternate ending. Nothing especially exciting or amazing. Not worth paying $6 to see. What did you think?</p> meep