Posts tagged with "news" - Faerye Net 2017-04-16T20:32:53+00:00 Felicity Shoulders I am gone, though I am here: Blog Moving Announcement 2017-04-16T20:32:53+00:00 2017-04-16T20:33:27+00:00 <p>The good news is that I am fitfully beginning to blog once more! The bad news is that it shouldn&#8217;t be here at for the foreseeable future. That doesn&#8217;t mean I&#8217;m abandoning the domain: it means that for technical reasons, I can&#8217;t keep on using this blog as it is. I may someday start fresh with a different content management system, but for now, will be a static archive, and new content will only appear elsewhere.</p> <h1>Where to find me and my writing</h1> <p><a href="" target="links"><strong>Medium:</strong></a> My new blog posts<br /> <a href="" target="links"><strong>Twitter:</strong></a> My random thoughts and political opinions<br /> <a href="" target="links"><strong></strong></a>: My publication news and listings</p> <p>Several of my published stories, such as <a href="" target="fiction">&#8220;Conditional Love&#8221;</a> and <a href="" target="fiction">&#8220;Small Towns&#8221;</a>, are reprinted on my author website. I hope to add more reprints, and audio recordings of them, in the future. These will always be linked from <a href="" target="links">my list of publications</a>, and I&#8217;ll trumpet about additions on social media when they&#8217;re made!</p> <p> was a very important project for me: it helped me find my voice and footing as a writer, and gave me the freedom to play &#8212; just as important as the rigor of &#8216;getting serious&#8217;. I&#8217;m glad it will be here, even as a digital fossil, for the present.</p> "Long Night on Redrock" is the cover story for the July Asimov's! 2012-04-24T12:43:52+00:00 2012-04-25T11:25:59+00:00 <p>Remember my novelette, <a href="" target="links">&#8220;Long Night on Redrock&#8221;</a>, which will be appearing in the July 2012 issue of <em><a href="" target="links">Asimov&#8217;s Science Fiction</a></em>? It is the cover story for that issue!</p> <p>I discovered last week that science fiction and fantasy illustrator <a href="" target="links">Tomislav Tikulin</a> had done a painting titled &#8220;Long Night on Redrock&#8221; which was clearly an illustration of my story, and yesterday I received confirmation in the form of contributor copies in my mailbox.</p> <center><a href="" title="July 2012 Asimov's contributor copies by Felicity Shoulders, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" border="0" alt="July 2012 Asimov's contributor copies"></a></center> <p>If you&#8217;d like to see the full painting, take a look on Mr. Tikulin&#8217;s website <a href="" target="links">here</a> &#8212; it&#8217;s pretty gorgeous.</p> <p>I&#8217;ve never had my name on the cover of a magazine before, let alone had my story named and illustrated on the cover. I&#8217;m over the moon! If not over the titular desert planet of Redrock. Which is in that painting. Along with my main characters. And certain other story elements. On the cover of <em>Asimov&#8217;s</eM>. Sorry, still getting used to this!</p> <p>The issue should be arriving in subscribers&#8217; mailboxes or on their Kindles soon, and it&#8217;ll be on newsstands May 8. I&#8217;m really excited about this story, which is again a little different from most I&#8217;ve had published. Read the teaser <a href="" target="links">in my original post</a> and look for it in the July issue! On the cover!</p> Interview about "Small Towns" on the F&SF blog 2012-02-10T15:50:11+00:00 2012-02-10T15:50:35+00:00 <p>I was asked to do an email interview about &#8220;Small Towns&#8221;, my novelette <a href="" target="links">currently available in the January/February <em>Fantasy and Science Fiction</em></a>. Assistant Editor Stephen Mazur has posted the interview over at the <a href="" target="links"><em>F&amp;SF</em> blog</a>.</p> <p>I was really glad to have the opportunity &#8212; writing this one was interesting and unusual, and I hope readers are interested in the extra information.</p> <p><a href="" target="links">Go and see!</a></p> "Small Towns" on shelves in January/February issue of F&SF! 2012-01-03T16:29:21+00:00 2012-01-13T10:09:16+00:00 <p>My <a href="" target="links">first published novelette</a>, first published fantasy, and first published historical fiction are all out on newsstands today and they are all the same thing: &#8220;Small Towns,&#8221; published in the January/February 2012 issue of <a href="" target="links"><em>The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction</em></a>!</p> <center> <p><img src="" /></center></p> <p>I hope all my stories have their own flavor, but this one is particularly idiosyncratic and I&#8217;m quite proud of it.</p> <p>Here&#8217;s the beginning, to whet your appetite:</p> <blockquote> <center><b>Small Towns</b></center> <p>When Jacques Jaillet was a small boy, he brought home a pocketful of sand from the seaside and dribbled it slowly onto the floorboards of his little room. He made long avenues and cottage roofs, rows of shops, garden walls, a church with a fragment of shell for the tower. Then, for no reason he could later recall, he took a deep breath and blew it all away, the shapes and the order, the grains themselves skittering under the baseboard, gone forever.</p> <p>When Jacques returned to his market town in 1918, past his middle years, it looked as if here, too, a monstrous child had finished playing and had blown the town, the streets, the houses and shops from the face of the Earth.</blockquote></p> <p>I hope you&#8217;ll go out and buy the magazine at your local newsstand or Barnes &amp; Nobles. Portlanders, <a href="" target="links">Rich’s Cigar Store</a> has copies!</p> <p><strong>Edited 1/13/12:</strong> <em>F&amp;SF</em> is <a href="" target="links">available for Kindle</a>, as well!</p> Firsts! (In which I make another sale) 2011-07-14T19:26:06+00:00 2011-07-14T19:26:12+00:00 <p>It&#8217;s not easy opening a securely closed envelope while carrying the rest of the mail, a set of keys, and a plastic bag full of Chinese takeaway. But sometimes it&#8217;s worth it! Teasing open this particular envelope yielded me an acceptance letter from none other than <a href="" target="links"><em>The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction</em></a>, more commonly known as F&amp;SF!</p> <p>This sale marks <em>several</em> firsts for me. It&#8217;s my <strong>first fantasy sale ever</strong>, and my first novelette sale! (For those of you not up on our obscure lingo, that means it&#8217;s longer than my previous short fiction sales &#8212; <a href="" target="links">over 7500 words</a>.) It&#8217;s also my first sale to this excellent magazine.</p> <p>The novelette in question is called &#8220;Small Towns&#8221;, and it&#8217;s set just after World War I in Europe. So I suppose it will be my first published historical fiction, as well! I am proud and excited &#8212; thanks to everybody who read this story and believed in it, especially my critique group and Ryan!</p> <p>As soon as I know more about when this story is coming out, I&#8217;ll pass it on here. <em>&Agrave; la prochaine!</em></p> Portland Monthly Magazine article out! 2011-04-29T09:10:53+00:00 2011-04-29T09:10:59+00:00 <p>I am not 100% sure the issue is on newsstands yet (it&#8217;s the May issue, with a cover story on Farmer&#8217;s Markets), but <a href="" target="links">Portland Monthly Magazine</a> has put their article about Portland Nebula Nominees <a href="">Mary Robinette Kowal</a>, <a href="" target="links">M.K. Hobson</a> and me online!</p> <p><strong><a href="" target="links">Here is the link!</a></strong> Article by our own <a href="" target="links">Camille Alexa</a> and photograph (complete with <a href="">Marla face</a>) by <a href="" target="links">Michael Cogliantry</a>.</p> <p>I will cop to finding this pretty exciting!</p> "Apocalypse Daily" is on shelves! 2011-04-05T21:26:15+00:00 2011-04-05T21:46:36+00:00 <p>My latest story in <a href="" target="links"><em>Asimov&#8217;s Science Fiction</em></a>, &ldquo;<a href="" target="links">Apocalypse Daily</a>&rdquo;, is on shelves in the June 2011 issue! (Click the name of the story to read the first few paragraphs!)</p> <p>This is what it looks like:<br /> <center><img src="" alt="June 2011 Asimov's cover" /></center></p> <p>As you can see, the headlining novella is from Portland&#8217;s own <a href="" target="links">Mary Robinette Kowal</a>, Nebula-nominated novelist! Two Portland people! Don&#8217;t you just <em>need</em> a copy?</p> <p><strong>Getting a paper copy:</strong> Traditional newsstands often carry <em>Asimov’s</em>. Many Barnes &amp; Noble locations carry it, but it’s best to call ahead if you’ve never spied it out at that particular store before.</p> <p>Portlanders allergic to big chain stores can head down to <a href="" target="links">Rich’s Cigar Store</a>, which carries <em>Asimov’s</em> in their extensive magazine collection. The main store on SW Alder has the most copies. Also, the <strong>main store will ship magazines to out-of-town customers</strong> — call them up!</blockquote></p> <p>Digital versions will be available soon at Amazon, B&amp;N, Sony, Fictionwise, et c. I will update this post as I discover these editions are available.</p> Busy bees 2011-04-03T08:54:43+00:00 2011-04-03T08:54:55+00:00 <p>This is just a note to explain my sudden transition from prolixity to paucity here on the blog: we have found out we need to find a new rental house sooner than expected. With all manner of business coming up, and the <a href="" target="links">Nebulas besides</a>, we&#8217;ve been very focused on getting this dealt with as soon as possible. And we&#8217;ve been successful! We signed a lease on a new house and will be moving this week. Quite the whirlwind.</p> <p>I hope to be back here bending your ear with more unsolicited advice and rambling musings soon enough.</p> Huge news: my first Nebula Nomination! 2011-02-22T07:03:25+00:00 2011-03-04T11:27:02+00:00 <p>I am overjoyed to be able to announce that &#8220;Conditional Love&#8221; has been nominated for a 2010 <a href="" target="links">Nebula Award</a> in the short story category!</p> <p>This is an immense honor. I&#8217;ve daydreamed about being up for a Nebula, but I hadn&#8217;t expected to get there so soon. Now I get to daydream about celebrating and meeting people at the Nebula Awards Banquet in May, which is a very near future. Much nearer than flying cars!</p> <p>&#8220;Conditional Love&#8221; was first published by <a href="" target="links"><em>Asimov&#8217;s Science Fiction</em></a> and will soon be available as a free pdf from their website. <del>I&#8217;ll post again when that is up,</del> [I have posted my story <a href="">on my author site</a> in several formats! -<span class="caps">FAS</span>, 3/3/11] but if you&#8217;d like to listen to the story, narrated by Mur Lafferty, on <em>Escape Pod</em>, that is <a href="" target="links">already available!</a></p> <p>The Short Story category is a big one this year, with seven nominees (there are five in each Nebula category unless there are ties in the number of nominations):</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;Arvies&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Adam-Troy Castro</a> (<em><a href="" target="links">Lightspeed</a></em>, 8/10)</li> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;How Interesting: A Tiny Man&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Harlan Ellison</a> (<em><a href="" target="links">Realms of Fantasy</a></em>, 2/10)</li> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;Ponies&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Kij Johnson</a> (<a href="" target="links"><em></em></a>, 1/17/10)</li> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;I’m Alive, I Love You, I’ll See You in Reno&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Vylar Kaftan</a> (<em><a href="" target="links">Lightspeed</a></em>, 6/10)</li> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;The Green Book&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Amal El-Mohtar</a> (<a href="" target="links"><em>Apex</em></a>, 11/10)</li> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;Ghosts of New York&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Jennifer Pelland</a> (<a href="" target="links">Dark Faith</a> (anthology))</li> <li><a href="" target="links">&#8220;Conditional Love&#8221;</a> by <a href="" target="links">Felicity Shoulders</a> (<a href="" target="links"><em>Asimov’s</em></a>, 1/10)</li> </ul> <p>To the best of my knowledge, this is the first nomination for Amal El-Mohtar and Vylar Kaftan as well as for me!</p> <p>I hope you&#8217;ll take a look at <a href="" target="links">the full list</a> of nominees. Congratulations to all the nominees, including my fellow Portland-area writers <a href="" target="links">Mary Robinette Kowal</a>, <a href="" target="links">M.K. Hobson</a> (both nominated for their first novels!)</p> <p>I am so happy that it&#8217;s been very hard to keep the news under wraps until the press release. I&#8217;ve been running through huge numbers of exclamation marks &#8212; don&#8217;t be surprised if there&#8217;s a regional shortage &#8212; and smiling, even early in the morning, for days. A marvelous surprise, and, with apologies to the <a href="" target="links">replica pulse rifle</a>, the best birthday present ever. Who could mind turning 30 when she knew about this?</p> Interlude 2010-09-04T23:19:34+00:00 2010-09-04T23:20:47+00:00 <p>In case any particularly sensitive information-brains have noticed a downtick in my posting rate, I thought I&#8217;d let the blog readership know I&#8217;ve been called out of town. Back to <a href="" target="links">Grants Pass</a>, in fact. Nothing serious, but I&#8217;m far, far off my normal routine and haven&#8217;t been working down the list of blog topics upon which I am <em>burning</em> to opine.</p> <p>I may be moved to rant about the amount of unwanted junk mail my grandma gets from a political party she abandoned <em>twenty years ago</em>, but that wasn&#8217;t previously on the topic list!</p> <p>(And for those of you who are also <a href="" target="links">Twitter</a> readers: I shall <strong>try</strong> not to tweet about Scrabble too much. Really, I shall be trying. Even if you can&#8217;t tell.)</p>