Reading Recommendations 1

Friday September 05, 2008 @ 10:18 AM (UTC)

I’ve been reading a lot of magazines recently, part of my drive to get to know the current spec-fic world (I’m a huge sci-fi dork, but my reading in the field was long guided by my dad, so it tends towards classic sci-fi.) I have some paper ones, but there are loads of excellent online spec-fic magazines, as well as book publishers givin’ away fiction. I thought I’d share a few stories I’ve really enjoyed which are free as little birdies in our glorious intertubes.

From the fabulous Clarkesworld Magazine:
“Her Mother’s Ghosts” by Theodora Goss: haunting story about the emotional legacy of totalitarianism (her essay about writing the story is excellent as well.)
“Blue Ink” by Yoon Ha Lee: Clarkesworld often goes in for mindbenders — this interdimensional battle is my favorite of them so far.

From Subterranean Press:
“Denise Jones, Super Booker” by John Scalzi: a superhero riff in the form of an interview.

From Apex Books:
“Scenting the Dark” by Mary Robinette Kowal: sci-fi horror story with a blind perfumer as the protagonist.

All of these are short reads, and there’s quite a range between the four. If you’re not much of a spec-fic reader in general, try “Her Mother’s Ghosts”, which might be described as interstitial. If your day could really use some laughter, try “Denise Jones, Super Booker”. Enjoy!


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