Exciting present!

Saturday April 04, 2009 @ 10:35 PM (UTC)

Ryan’s family always gets together to celebrate birthdays. For some reason, we ended up doing mine over a month after it actually happened. I’m not used to doing this with birthdays, but when you do it with Christmas, it’s called “extending the Christmas joy”. It means you get presents long after you had any rational expectation of them. I got awesome presents, and one that I thought I would highlight on the old blog.

Greystork made a statue based on my story, “Burgerdroid”. Seriously. Someone made art because of something I wrote. Because of the first thing I’ve ever gotten published, no less. This is fantastic!

The sculpture reveals something crucial from the end of the story, so you might not want to click through if you haven’t read it. If you have read it, feast your eyes!

Burgerdroid statue - teaser


I had no idea Greystork could sculpt like that! Beautiful! Now, to keep Qubit from knocking it over…

So far, Qubit shows no interest. I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve cleverly chosen to put it in a place she doesn’t tend to go, or if she smells the clay and dislikes it.

And yes, it sure is a surprise! I’ve only ever seen him draw before, I think. I’m so flattered I may never recover.

Apparently, Thunderbird didn’t think I meant it when I told it to keep me updated on your blog posts, so please excuse the delayed answer(s).

I suspect Qubit’s disinterest is grounded in the noxious-smelling (for a fine nose) paint, rather than the clay, which is only exposed on the bottom.

Thank you for the stellar reviews! I may just have to start another sculpting project after I’ve scaled my currently looming deadline at work.

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