Comments on "These are a few of my favorite words, Part I" - Faerye Net 2003-06-18T08:19:40+00:00 Re: Palimpsest: A Limerick. 2003-06-18T08:19:40+00:00 2003-06-18T08:19:40+00:00 <p>Iconoclast! (also a v.g. word)</p> felicity Palimpsest: A Limerick. 2003-06-18T00:05:38+00:00 2003-06-18T00:05:38+00:00 <p>There was an old tiger out westward<br /> An ornery, hot-tempered beast<br /> My pa pissed him off<br /> His leg got chewed off<br /> And now my poor pa limps east</p> wonko Re: Here goes... 2003-06-17T22:02:53+00:00 2003-06-17T22:02:53+00:00 <p>Hee hee hee hee! A po-eem! You, sir, get TWO gold stars! The rest of the class will have to scamper to keep up!</p> felicity Here goes... 2003-06-17T18:49:03+00:00 2003-06-17T18:49:03+00:00 Some people will jest<br /> and praise my masculine chest;<br /> O, I how I wish it had hair,<br /> and would not remain bare,<br /> my thoracic palimpsest. GreyStork