Comments on "She sells T-shirts by the web store" - Faerye Net 2005-07-20T21:49:36+00:00 Re: Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! 2005-07-20T21:49:36+00:00 2005-07-20T21:49:36+00:00 <p>But&#8230;perhaps I did not make myself clear. You can MAKE these T-shirts. If you do not wish to set up a store, you need not, but you can make these T-shirts to your heart&#8217;s content. Custom T-shirts. One printed. Several clicks away!</p> felicity Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! 2005-07-20T18:48:28+00:00 2005-07-20T18:48:28+00:00 <p>As a connoisseur of wit-T&#8217;s, I have so many suggestions! Like, of course, &#8220;Free the Bound Periodicals!&#8221; And, &#8220;Hamsters: Nature&#8217;s Own Reusable Energy Source&#8221; And maybe some Shakespearian Stage Directions: &#8220;Front: <em>Enter two gentlemen through several doors</em> Back: Exit, pursued by a bear.&#8221; Alternatively you could do an &#8220;Enter Ariel, invisible&#8221; thing&#8230; <br /> <br /> And lots more that are just lost in my head right now but OOOOOOOOO FUN! I need a boyfriend who&#8217;ll find stuff like that for me. Wait&#8230; Maybe not.</p> EMeta