Comments on "Razzerframmit" - Faerye Net 2009-01-22T23:03:11+00:00 re: Felicity! 2009-01-22T23:03:11+00:00 2009-01-22T23:03:11+00:00 <p>Ha! It&rsquo;s a good name, and I&rsquo;ve enjoyed having it. An unusual name can be a lovely gift. Hope you are doing well!</p> Felicity Felicity! 2009-01-22T19:32:46+00:00 2009-01-22T19:32:46+00:00 <p>When I have time to sit and muse with my computer, a rarity these days, I always stumble upon your blog in my bookmark folder of blogs that without fail give me something interesting or entertaining for my mind to munch. I thought you&rsquo;d be happy to know my dearest longtime friend just named her first child Felicity.</p> Kristen Jackson