Comments on "Book meme" - Faerye Net 2007-11-15T13:05:13+00:00 Re: I'm not sure I agree with this list in the first place 2007-11-15T13:05:13+00:00 2007-11-15T13:05:13+00:00 <p>Well, I think the virtue the list has is that it&#8217;s organic. It&#8217;s the top x books that people using a book cataloging site marked as &#8216;unread&#8217;&#8212;there are lots of reasons for a book to be IN the catalog and yet unread, and I enjoy that ambiguity.<br /> <br /> Don&#8217;t even start with me until I&#8217;m outta grad school, man. My to-read list is mostly on recess until grad school concludes! (with brief returns for whatchacallit, school vacation.)</p> felicity I'm not sure I agree with this list in the first place 2007-11-15T12:21:51+00:00 2007-11-15T12:21:51+00:00 <p>I&#8217;m kind of a book snob, and there are a lot of &#8220;popular&#8221; books in this list and several glaring omissions in my humble opinion. I see no works by Freud or Jung, but two works by Neil Gaiman. <br /> <br /> And while I love Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose is not really a must read, except that you can see how much better it is than the movie (but the movie is really good for an adaptation). If you want really good Eco check out &#8220;Baudolino.&#8221; And really, the Silmarillion should only be read by those people who are trying to get English or Folktale degrees, or possibly a degree in Elven&#8230;.<br /> <br /> And finally, for shame Felicity, for shame. You need to read more! <br /> <br /> Just my nickel, accounting for inflation.<br /> <br /> Kug</p> EAKugler i'm glad you did this meme, too 2007-10-27T23:09:26+00:00 2007-10-27T23:09:26+00:00 <p>You should really read The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-Time, it&#8217;s very intriguing and a fast read. (I mean. When you&#8217;re done with school. And whatnot.)</p> sister sledge